Instacart takes security and privacy seriously. To help ensure the integrity of our platform and protect our customers and shoppers, we may occasionally reset your password to proactively prevent fraudulent activity. 

If we have concerns that your account or data may be at risk, we may reset your password to be cautious. These can be “false positives” that don't necessarily mean your account was at risk or compromised. 

Reset password

If you forgot your password, need to change it, or can't access your account, you can reset your password. To reset your password—

  1. Look for Forgot your password? on the login page
  2. Click or tap Reset it
  3. Enter your email address
  4. Click or tap Reset Password 
  5. Check your email for the reset email confirmation and follow the steps

Check your junk/spam folder if you don't see the email within a few minutes.

We recommend you create a unique password that you do not use on any other website.

Account locked/suspended

Sometimes Instacart may lock/suspend customer accounts as a security measure to prevent fraud. Our top priority is keeping your personal information secure.

You can't place orders when your account is locked/suspended. For help, please contact Instacart Customer Experience.